
Copyright Wildschnitt.
This site is intended as a Visual Portfolio of Wildschnitt.
All material, including Photography, Film, Text, and Image, on this web site are copyrighted. No pictures, film, text or image, on this site may be reproduced, copied, or duplicated for any purpose whatsoever without the express written permission from the rights holders. The rights to Pictures, films, Texts and Images are held by Wildschnitt and the third parties. 
Wildschnitt name is registered under the German Law at the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Camilo Gutierrez and Irene Rojas Erlenbach and the third parties are the owners of the photography, films, text and images on this web site.
The public and visitors of this website, may not under any circumstances duplicate these pictures, films, text and images for any purpose without permission of the rights holders. Duplication would constitute the saving of files on a hard drive or the excerpting of film, text or image materials for use in another piece of software. 
To  any Inquire about the use of the material of this website, feel free to contact us.
Thanks for your Understanding.
© Wildschnitt
Film & Photography
Camilo Gutierrez
Irene Rojas Erlenbach